Curated Resources

Here you will find a slew of resources to support your regenerative journey. For ease, they are compiled into core strands that weave in and out of one another.

Regenerative Living

Regenerative living is a fundamental shift in our way of living to exist interdependently and entirely within the nested and circular systems of the planet. From the micro to macro scale, regenerative living renews health, restores relations, and optimizes wellbeing for all Earth’s participants, rather than maximizes individual parameters for a few to the detriment of many.


RSA - Regenerative Futures Programme

The RSA has compiled a wonderful overview on what it means to be regenerative. There are great introductory resources here to explore. If you only have time to scroll one paper to wrap your head around regenerative thinking, this is the one I recommend.

Going Circular Documentary Film

This is a brand new film featuring four pioneers in the regenerative movement. The premise dives into the necessity of shifting from a linear world to a circular one. This is an accessible introduction to both the paradigm and application of regeneration.

Regenesis - Regenerative Development

Regenesis has been at the forefront of regenerative design philosophy and process for thirty years. This graphic outlining the shift to regeneration has led the way, being repurposed throughout the field. Explore this resources page for an up to date collection of the most innovative thinking in regeneration.

NRDC - Regenerative Agriculture 101

A broad guide to the philosophy and practice of regenerative agriculture plus links to NRDC’s wide array of resources


Whitewashed Hope

This is a powerful must-read message from 10+ indigenous voices highlighting the imperative of embodying an all-encompassing way of regeneration.


Becoming a Regenerative Practitioner: A Field Guide

In very logical terms this paper outlines the how-to’s of developing a regenerative mindset for practice.


Capital Institute - Regenerative Economics

A vision, field guide, and network for shifting capital and financial systems into the regenerative era


Net Zero Footprint

Realizing a Net Zero Footprint involves shrinking human demand on Earth’s ecological capacity and ensuring all resources used are counterbalanced with the same volume returned to the Earth. Meaning, we must create a circular system to replenish back into the Earth the same amount of resources that we extract to eventually become climate positive.

This is the most practical strand and is comprised of taking actionable steps - the doing - of denouncing human domination over Earth. The window of reconciliation of human destruction on Earth is rapidly closing with the urgency of climate change.


Efficiency Vermont

While built for Vermonters, this robust site is a great resource for all, flush with products, technologies, guides, and case studies to help navigate your net zero journey.

Project Drawdown

Consistently updated to stay ahead of the curve, this organization is the hands down leader of climate change solutions and one of the best ways to remain educated on the topic.

Global Footprint Network Calculator

The leading calculator measuring how fast we consume resources and generate waste compared to how fast nature can absorb our waste and generate resources.

Cool Climate Calculator

The most comprehensive online tool to calculate your carbon footprint and the one I regularly use to measure my net zero progress


IPCC Latest: Top 5 Climate Solutions

Unlike previous reports, the IPCC emphasizes curbing energy demand in rich countries through social change & reiterates, now or never.

Water Footprint Calculator

An excellent tool to measure both personal and virtual water use and put together a plan for reduction


Defining Carbon Neutral, Net-Zero & Climate Positive

A great article that distinguishes between terms in order to help you get crystal clear on goals

Plastic Footprint Calculator

An online tool to get a sense of the plastic poundage you are responsible for producing in a year’s time


Berkeley Lab - Getting to Net Zero

New analysis provides a detailed blueprint for the U.S. to become carbon neutral by 2050, plus immediate necessary steps

LETI: Climate Emergency Retrofit Guide

A detailed guide outlining the retrofit process for existing homes to meet UK climate targets


International Living Futures Institute

This NGO sets the standard for the greenest buildings and influencing regenerative communities.

Ecological Repair

Ecological networks must be repaired across scale. This process involves everything from rehabilitating damaged soil, re-wilding native spaces, growing food forests, boosting democratic engagement, and building community around the regenerative movement. Ecological Repair involves a shift in perception from human identity as individuals to a collective within a whole ecology of life, from the micro living systems of soil to the macro-systems of human society.


United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration

This site is an excellent resource for an introduction to ecological restoration. It provides an overview for standards and practices of restoration and connects to case studies across the planet.

Global Soil Partnership

This collaborative houses a vast bank of everything you need to know about soil - from basic science videos to in-depth soil biodiversity initiatives.

Stanford Change Labs

SCL is a leader in innovating systems change marked by increasing complexity, rapid change, and uncertainty. Be awed by this talk from founder Banny Bannerjee in applying macro level living systems thinking.

NRDC - Start Your Home Regenerative Garden

Apply regenerative principles to a small patch of land for growing your own food in alignment with nature


One Community - Food Forest

A comprehensive open source hub for a variety of sustainability topics with an expansive compilation of plant lists and sources

Work of Donella Meadows

An innovator of today’s living systems thinking approach and an originator of the sustainability movement


Collective Impact Forum

The CIF provides a living systems ideology and support to community building & community-centered solutions.

Gaia’s Garden

The widely celebrated guide of permaculturists to working with nature in home gardening


The Systems Thinker. com

This site is a massive bank of systems thinking published material made available to the public by the Omidyar Group.

Re-Indigenization Principles for Biodiversity . . .

A top notch paper of principles, explanation, and application of decolonizing conservation


The Water of Systems Change

One of the most powerful papers I’ve found to clarify and inspire real systems change across scale

Feminine Consciousness

Expanding feminine consciousness is the process of reorienting our world view, language, emotional awareness, forms of inquiry, identities, and relationship with one another and the Earth. This journey asks us to look inward with difficult questions about the paradigm of domination and the myths that have framed our human existence.

This strand is the deepest level of transformation that reaches into the human sprit, philosophy, and being. Embodying this awareness is not only needed for self-actualization, but it is required for necessary leadership and solution-based decision-making across sector and scope. Feminine consciousness is not about shifting power from men to women, it is about reconceiving balance.


Deepak Chopra - The Divine Feminine

Chopra has written a few very short and accessible pieces explaining the importance of awakening to feminine consciousness. The link above and this one are great introductions to the concept.

Shakti Leadership

This book and movement reaches into ancient Hindu teachings to revive feminine consciousness, restore long-lost balance, and bring healing to the world’s ailments.

Work of bell hooks

The whole career of bell hooks has been paramount to bringing light to the systems of domination that have defined our realities. Because I can’t pick just one piece, check out this video, this short paper and this book as starters!

Work of Fritjof Capra

A pioneer who introduced the ecological world view to the the Western mechanistic tradition


The Master’s Tools Will Never Dismantle the Master’s House

This classic essay and other works by writer and activist Audre Lorde are powerful portrayals of existing systems of domination.

Two Loops Model

This simple video explains a systems theory approach to paradigm shifts, particularly the current one of regeneration.


Community & the Ecological Self

This seminal work by philosopher Freya Matthews makes the metaphysical case for ecological oneness.

PBS - Native America

An insightful 4-part series weaving together the world views, ways of living, & relational repair with America’s First Peoples


Work of Vandana Shiva

A leading thinker who has tied together ecology, feminism, and democracy and continues to be a formidable activist

Work of Jean Shinoda Bolen

A psychiatrist and activist who has charted a philosophy that blends feminism, consciousness, and spirituality


Feminism and the Mastery of Nature

Philosopher Val Plumwood’s milestone work explaining the relationship between domination of women and nature