"To be whole. To be complete. Wildness reminds us what it means to be human, what we are connected to rather than what we are separate from."

— Terry Tempest Williams


Reclamation Way is an online resource and consultancy to help you transition your whole Self - lifestyle, being and spirit - into the regenerative era. Here you’ll find guidance that ranges from demystifying renewable energy purchases to deconstructing harmful social constructs, from rehabilitating soil to recovering your natural rhythm, and from building a home composting system to building a healing world view.

I document my self-discovery, refine lessons learned, and curate the most valuable resources I can find to make projects beneficial, efficient, and cost-effective. I know that, like me, most folks don’t have excess to spend: whether that’s time or money. And yet, we must make this transition. I aim to make this journey accessible, inclusive, and empowering.

Based in Park City, Utah, I am a mama of two kiddos, two dogs, and a slew of plant babies. I have a Bachelor of Science in economics and Master of Science in leadership for sustainability education.


Why Reclaim?

The central challenge of our time is to transition into a regenerative culture that learns to live in a new way.  This way optimizes whole systems for all of Earth’s participants, rather than maximizes individual interests of a few to the detriment of many. Our human species, unlike other beings, has agency. We have the choice to rise into our higher consciousness and change our trajectory.

I believe it is only by reclaiming our whole selves that we can shed the oppressive & dominating old paradigm and embody a restorative way of living that will actually heal humanity and the Earth.

In fact, I believe that all leaders need to do the difficult internal work of holistically transitioning into the Regenerative Era to make the change we all envision. We, as global citizens, must step into our true power, learn to see the old paradigm as a it is, and begin evolving into the new. We are now in the 11th hour to address climate change. It is now or never.

The Strands of Reclamation Way

Net Zero Footprint

This involves ensuring that all the ecological resources we consume are counterbalanced with the same volume of resources returned back to the Earth. Meaning, I am working to create a circular system of using only the amount of carbon, water, and other resources that I am able to replenish back into Earth’s systems.

Ecological Repair

This is the process of restoring ecological networks across scale, from the micro living systems in soil to the macro-systems of human society. In shifting our orientation of the world from a mechanism to an ecology, we can see more clearly how relations and connections must be healed for family, community, and socio-ecological systems to evolve toward increasing states of health and vitality over time.

Feminine Consciousness

This strand has the deepest level of awareness formation, impacting our mindsets, emotions, spirits, and relationship with the world. This is about learning to recognize, value, and balance ecological oneness. This awareness is not only needed for self-actualization but to improve leadership across sector and scope. Feminine consciousness is not about shifting power from men to women, it is about re-conceiving balance.

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This is My Home

I am working to reclaim the place where I live to increase its carbon sequestration, improve water retention, create food production, and restore wildlife habitat. The property is .5 acres total. We don’t have a lot of space to work with, but more has been done with less.


Introducing the Way of Reclamation


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“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them."

— Albert Einstein