My Story

Hi! My name is Stephanie. I’m the creator of Reclamation Way. I’m a big-picture thinker, pattern hunter, and connection seeker. I am fueled by the thrill of discovery and pursuit of learning. I am also regularly fired up by live music, outdoor recreation, and green tea.

For as long as I can remember I’ve felt a passionate and spiritual connection to Earth. I’ve spent my whole life trying to refine the best way to heal Her of human destruction.

I built a 15-year career in social and environmental impact, focusing the last five years in impact investing. I also spent eight years building, resourcing, and leading a community of women entrepreneurs. I was very much committed to market-based solutions as the primary means of solving the world’s problems. I figured that if money is power, then finance must be the core lever of change. I recently discovered the correction to my thinking.

In fall of 2019, I had a major burn-out that sent me spinning into existential crisis and then depression. It took me a whole year to heal, while I challenged all my assumptions about the world and the social contracts I held with it. I left my career, identity, and world view behind. From there, a series of revelations put me onto a new trajectory.  

I realized that climate change was killing me slowly and that I needed to become fully accountable to the Earth for anything to matter. I realized that I had been unconsciously working through a belief system that was not only keeping me from making real impact, but was harming me. I realized that I wanted to truly self-actualize, and that I needed so strip away a lot of muck in order to do so.

The way in which I was trying to save the planet and serve others was extremely confined. The constructs around and within me seemed to have me completely bound and suppressed. (You know, the ones that make you doubt yourself, feel small, or question your worth?) I had to deconstruct a lot to break free.

I made a commitment to become whole, authentic, and centered in my genuine  essence. And that began the process of reclaiming – my Self, value, power, voice – just about everything.

Once I followed the threads of the major intractable problems of our time all the way back to their roots, I found that the oppressive and dominating paradigm that is fueling the world’s crises was hard-wired deep into my body, psyche and spirit. I needed to excavate all the way deep inside of my being in order to BECOME the change agent I wanted to be in the world.

Fast forward and Reclamation Way was born. Upon making the personal commitment to transition myself into the Regenerative Era, I was surprised at how few resources there are to support this practical, purposeful and soulful journey. Since we must transition as a culture and society, then this journey needs to be more normalized and accessible for all. That is what I aim to do.

As I muddle my way and make mistakes along this journey, I hope my learning will help you as well. I strive to be a voice that contributes to the expansion of the greater movement into regeneration.

PC: Alex Adams Photography