Full Mooning It

I hosted my first moon circle more than three years ago, clumsily and awkwardly but willing to be imperfect. I have slowly deepened my confidence and appreciation for the moon and her cycle. The moon has incredible power - guiding the tides, making days the perfect length, and influencing annual seasons. With that kind of power, we'd be remiss to ignore its cyclical effect on us.

Whether you are alone with the moon, with a few others, or a part of a whole circle, being present in the moon’s power is highly influential and awakening to ecological oneness. I can attest to it. Bringing my whole self into cyclical alignment with the moon has probably been the most transformative adjustment I’ve made in my entire life.

Here are a three curated meditations to make this full moon matter:

1) Indigenous American teachings on Earth spirituality and ways of life are captivating. This piece, from Anishnawbe Mushkiki, an indigenous community center out of Ontario, celebrates the moon’s feminine orientation and women’s mensuration cycle with a moon ritual, Traditional Teaching: Moontime and Grandmother Moon. (excerpt)

“It is said that Grandmother Moon watches over the waters of the Earth. We see this in her regulating of the tides. Grandmother Moon controls all female life. Much of the water life spawn according to the cycles of the moon.

It is said that Grandmother Moon is especially close to women because she governs the woman’s cleansing cycle, the natural cycle of menstruation known as the moon time.

Just as Grandmother Moon watches over the waters of the Earth, it is said that women watch over the waters of the people. Water always comes before new life.”

2) The late Thích Nhất Hạnh, a Vietnamese Thiền Buddhist monk, was a leader in peace activism and the art of mindful living. This poem he wrote on the full moon’s peaceful influence is titled Contemplation.

“Since the moon is full tonight,
let us call upon the stars in prayer.
The power of concentration,
seen through the bright, one-pointed mind,
is shaking the universe.

All living beings are present tonight
to witness the ocean of fear
flooding the Earth.

Upon the sound of the midnight bell,
everyone in the ten directions joins hands
and enters the meditation on Mahakaruna.

Compassion springs from the heart,
as pure, refreshing water,
healing the wounds of life.

From the highest peak of the Mind Mountain,
the blessed water streams down,
penetrating rice fields and orange groves.

The poisonous snake drinks
a drop of this nectar
from the tip of a blade of grass,
and the poison on its tongue vanishes.

Mara's arrow's
are transformed
into fragrant flowers.

The wondrous action of the healing water--
a mysterious transformation!
A child now holds the snake in her innocent arms.
Leaves are still green in the ancient garden.

The shimmering sunlight smiles on the snow,
and the sacred spring still flows toward the East.

On Avalokita's willow branch,
or in my heart,
the healing water is the same.

Tonight all weapons
fall at our feet
and turn to dust.

One flower,
two flowers,
millions of little flowers
appear in the green fields.

The gate of deliverance opens
with a smile on the lips
of my innocent child.”

3) Lastly, I credit Jean Shinoda Bolen for being the grandmother of modern women’s circles, and I continue to follow her wisdom. Her book The Millionth Circle is an inspirational meditation in the power of moon circling to change the world.

”Start with women’s circles
each one like a pebble thrown into a pond.
The effect of women in them,
and the effects women in them have,
send out concentric rings of influence.

Remember history?
Remember how one age ends
and another begins?
What “was and always will be” in one age,
is outmoded, superseded, revised
in the next.

Something like a teetter-totter effect
happens at certain points of time,
and history changes.
When a critical mass - the hundredth monkey or
the millionth circle - tips the scales, anew era
will be ushered in.”

I hope these inspirational nuggets on the full moon help you become centered and rooted. Now, get out and take a few deep breaths under that radiant moon light!


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